The Spirit powers the Scriptures which grind us down so we’re usable by God
“Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Ephesians 5:18 NLT)
While with Carolyn hiking at the Wilderness Gardens Preserve recently and seeing the 19th century Sickler Brothers Grist Mill, I had thought:
The San Luis Rey river powered the mill, which turned the millstones and ground the grain so it became useable.In a similar way, the Holy Spirit powers the Scriptures, which grinds down the roughness of our lives and makes us usable in God’s Kingdom.
The Scriptures and the Spirit work together to transform people into usable instruments for God.
Check out this video and the old mill here in North San Diego County.
To learn about the work of the the Holy Spirit, check out my articles:
How to Rely More on the Spirit for Life and Ministry
You might also want to check out these articles on the Scriptures:
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Where do dinosaurs fit in the Bible?
Is it OK to be angry with God?And much more
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