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Not all Christians believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. Why is belief in inerrancy important? Let me begin by explaining what it means. A belief in the inerrancy is a belief that the Scriptures were without error when God gave the them to the writers.

Dr. Jayakumar Ramachandran
Recently a friend told me that he is a Christian be he believes that there are errors in the Bible. He didn’t show me any errors. I think he was actually just responding emotionally to a feeling about Scripture.
What does the Jesus say about inerrancy? He said:
“For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Matthew 5:18 NIV)
“But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for a single stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.” (Luke 16:17 NIV)
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In this podcast my friend Dr. Jayakumar Ramachandran answers the question “Why is belief in inerrancy important?”
Who is Jay?
Dr. Jay was born and raised in Chennai (Madras) India to a staunch Hindu father and a traditional Christian mother.
Jay was more influenced by my father’s beliefs, values, and practices of Hinduism because his father was more religious than his mother. This deprived Jay of any Christian atmosphere and nurturing during his childhood and teenage years. Consequently, Jay formed a pluralistic religious belief.
However, in 1976, through God-orchestrated events, Jay came to know the true and living God by reading the books of John and Romans. In 1989, Jay founded Bible Believing Churches & Missions (BBCM) and continued to plant churches in Bangalore, India and challenge other church leaders to do the same.
Jay has diligently pursued advanced education. His degrees include:
Doctorate degree in Ministry D. Min. (Miss) from Columbia Intel University, USA
Masters degree in Sacred Theology (STM) from Dallas Theological Seminary, USA
Masters degree (M.Th) in Bible Exposition from Asian Christian Academy
Masters degree (M.A) from the University of Madras
For more help on how we know we can trust the Bible check out these other resources on my site:
Podcast: How do we know we have the right books in the Bible?
Podcast: Where do dinosaurs fit in the Bible?
Video vlog: Twisting Scripture
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