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Why I Don’t Like Being A Christian

Writer: Mark Alan WilliamsMark Alan Williams

I have been a Christian since age 4 when I began following Christ through attending Sunday School. Since 1981 I have been a full-time Christian worker: a pastor and missionary.

Yep, that’s me (anticipating high water) in front of the little church where I became a Christian.

You might think that I love every aspect of who I am and what I am privileged to do, but such is not the case. In fact, I would like to share in this article reasons why I don’t like being a Christian. Perhaps you will relate.

I can share multitudes of reasons I love being a Christian, including:

  • I know where I am going when I die.

  • It makes sense of the world and life.

  • I have the wonderful feeling of forgiveness.I have an intimate relationship with God.

  • My Life has meaning.I have purpose in living.

There are overwhelming reasons to be a follower of Jesus Christ. But for today I would like to honestly share three reasons I don’t like being a Christian. I will also share my responses to my concerns:

1. I Don’t Like Not Being in Charge.

Being a believer means submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, making Him the boss.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21 ESV)

Sometimes I would prefer to be in charge. Okay, usually. His ways seem difficult and uncomfortable. I would often rather have God obey me, rather than me obey Him.

RESPONSE: When I think that way, I remember that like a loving father, my heavenly “Father Knows Best.”

Everything He has for me is for my best. Every prohibition is for my protection. I might not always understand it, but I know this is true.

2. Sin Isn’t as Much Fun.

Sometimes it seems like it would be a lot more enjoyable to not be a Christian; to do what I want and sin without guilt.

Even the Bible admits there are the “pleasures of sin.” (Hebrews 11:25)

But as a believer, I am more aware of my sins. When I do something wrong, I have a sensitive spirit that reminds me I have messed up. I can’t get away with much!

Scripture says that when we are born again, the Holy Spirit enters our lives and among other things, convicts us of sin: “And when he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:8 ESV)

RESPONSE: Actually, the verse in Hebrews talks about the pleasures of sin “for a season.” In other words, sin has hangovers. It is pleasurable in the moment (otherwise, why would I do it?).

But after the moments of sin, it is sickening.

So, I’d rather have long term joy and satisfaction over short term pleasure.

A revengeful act that landed me in hot water, or even in prison, would not be a good trade off.A tryst that ruined my marriage and life would not be a good trade off.Cheating on my taxes might give me a little tax break, but getting caught wouldn’t be worth it.

So while some times I think it would be fun to indulge, I remind myself that that is really not what I want at all.

3. I Get Embarrassed at the Behavior of “Christians.”

At least weekly I hear about a Christian who has defied Christ, done something dumb and brought shame and embarrassment to all who follow Jesus.

Each time, I just want to crawl into a hole. Each time, I think about those who will follow the terrible example of the backslider.

These people ignore Jesus’ severe warning: “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.” (Mark 9:42 ESV)

RESPONSE: My guess is that often those who call themselves Christians but who do terrible things are not real Christians.

Anyone can call himself or herself a Christian, but it is their walk and actions that prove them one. (See Matthew 7:21 above.)

Furthermore, people (even other Christians) love to point out the deficiencies of believers. That’s partly because good news gets very little attention and coverage. Disaster, death, scandal are what attracts and dominates people’s attention.

But when we look at the immense good done by Christ followers, it is mind boggling: hospitals, feeding the hungry, orphanages, skid row missions, and on and on.

Yes, true believers sometimes blow it. King David is a prime example of a believer who committed terrible sin. In those cases we can only say we are “not perfect, just forgiven.”

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