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How exciting To Introduce My Free eBook:

Writer: Mark Alan WilliamsMark Alan Williams

One of the things Christians seem to struggle most with is their prayer or devotional life. I know how that feels, as I struggled for many years to develop meaningful devotional time with my Lord. I often felt inept and sometimes wondered if I should call myself a Christian leader when my prayer times seemed so inadequate.

Over time I have discovered how to spend my prayer time with God and have seen powerful results.

My new eBook is about sharing with you what I have learned and how you can experience meaningful devotional times through prayers that see wonderful things happen.

I offer this 10 Prayers to Unlock Heaven on Earth eBook as my gift to you—and as a bonus you will receive email updates about my other free resources online.

If you already have this eBook, why not share it with others: you can give them this link:

Why do I have the privilege and authority to share these 10 Prayers? Because God has blessed me as:

A man with a doctoral degree in ministry.Moody Bible Institute “Alumnus of the Year.”A pastor, a missionary and Christian leader for over 35 years.An author and administrator of resources that are used to train over 10,000 leaders a year (over 15,000 last year 2015) through Dynamic Church Planting International.A “chill dude” – according to my wife Carolyn.A “cool nerd” –  according to our boys. (hahaha)

Here’s what you can learn in my free eBook:

How to start your day on the right side of the bed every day—practices that put me in the right frame of mind from the get-go. (Recently one of our sons honored me by saying I am the most positive person he knows. Wow!)How to see extraordinary answers to prayers that you have not believed could be accomplished.What to do when your prayers aren’t answered quickly and you get discouraged.How to develop character that will shape you to be like Jesus and help you to “win friends and influence people” like He did.How to be sure that you are filled and walking in the Spirit.How to deal with your personal deficiencies and failures.How to pray prayers of protection for your family and other loved ones.

Admittedly, this is a lot to accomplish in a little eBook. But remember, it is not about the eBook—it is about God’s power through the 10 Prayers to Unlock Heaven on Earth.

The booklet is not genius—God is!

But while God is all-powerful, all knowing and wants to do “far more than we could ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20), all this won’t happen without the prayers that unlock heaven on earth.

The Bible says, “You have not because you ask not” (James 4:3). But often we fail to ask because:

We don’t know how.We get discouraged.We feel intimidated.We pray the wrong prayers or in the wrong way.

I am certain my 32 page eBook can help you overcome these obstacles! Best of all, it’s free when you request my updates which include my weekly blogs of encouragement and guidance for your spiritual walk. Win! Win!

So what are you waiting for? There’s no cost and virtually nothing to lose.

You can unsubscribe at any time. But I don’t think you’ll want to…my prayer is that God will greatly bless you through the resources He has given me to share with you.

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