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6 Reasons To Have Me Speak To Your Group

Writer: Mark Alan WilliamsMark Alan Williams

Updated: Mar 26, 2019

Let’s start a conversation about this.

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I’d be delighted to speak to your group, if the Lord leads and we can make the arrangements. Are you looking for a speaker for your church, conference, retreat, or other gathering? In this blog I’d like to share some reasons that I might be your man! I’d be delighted to connect with you about the possibility of speaking to your group.

This is me speaking in Siberia, Russia in 2007.

Perhaps you’re unaware that I have spoken all around the world. For example, over the last year and a half, I’ve spoken in South America, North America, Asia and Africa.

The only continent I have never spoken on is Antarctica—that’s because except for a few military or scientific bases, the only residents are penguins, albatrosses, other birds, whales, seals and fish. However, I would certainly be willing to travel locally, across the state or across the USA to share practical teaching from God’s Word. In fact, as you might guess, most of my teaching happens locally.

If you’re not the person who schedules events, you might be the person to share this offer with your pastor or other leader in charge.

You can check out and share my Speaking Page by clicking here.

Here are 6 reasons to invite me to speak to your group, church, retreat, gathering, conference, etc.:

1. Experience

If you want someone to speak to your group who shares from experience, I might be your guy. Here’s why:

  • I’ve been a Christian since about 1959.

  • I’ve been in full-time ministry since 1981.

  • Over the years I’ve been a pastor, church planter, missionary, denominational leader, board member, ministry board chair and mission executive.

  • I’ve traveled to 70 countries (so far) and done ministry in most of them.

  • Carolyn and I married in 1979 and have raised 3 boys.

Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about what works in the Christian life and what doesn’t.

Speaking at Prescott Pines Christian Camp, Arizona, USA in 2017.

2. Entertaining

One of the most important criteria by which I evaluate a speaker is if I’m captivated or if I start to fall asleep. I’m thinking of a man in Lakeside, California who I chatted with after speaking and he said, “I could listen to you speak all day long.”

But we’re not talking about gimmicks and games, but a relevant, to the point, content-rich message which grabs people’s interest.

Humor is often a key ingredient (but I don’t let humor overshadow the message).

I also occasionally use my guitar and integrate music—singing some of my own songs and some by others. I’ve been playing guitar, singing and writing songs for over 50 years!

3. Everyone wins.

If I speak to your group, I believe it should be a win/win exchange. Here’s why I believe that will happen if we work out an arrangement:

Audiences win: Pastors, leaders and event organizers know they need to have guests that not only entertain, but also educate and hopefully inspire. Those are my three goals each time I speak—so that I’m sure my listeners hear a winning message. I do my best to educate, inspire and entertain.

Organizers win: Event organizers, leaders, and pastors win when they invite speakers who bless their people.

4. Enticing topics.

Due to my ministry career path and passion, I have expertise in discipleship (and church planting). However, I speak with expertise on a variety of other topics including spiritual life, family, and apologetics.

Some of my most popular messages are:

5. Excellent credentials.

Credentials are important. Here are some of mine:

6. Expenses are affordable.

For those in the developed world, I can speak to your group for a very reasonable cost. In fact, normally you choose the amount of a love gift. Or, if you want, perhaps I can speak for a love offering, so there is no additional cost to your group. Depending on distance, travel costs might need to be considered.

For those in the majority world of developing countries, I have often raised the money to travel and speak. Those funds come from friends in the developed world who see the value and want to bless others. (You can donate to our discipleship ministry with DJJ HERE.) Due to financial and travel constraints, I can only speak in developing countries just a few times a year, since I receive far more invitations than I am able to fulfill. Normally I travel and speak only for those I (or my friends) have known personally for a long time. 

Sometimes we can work out a creative arrangement. Recently a pastor in Pakistan found me online and offered to translate our DJJ discipleship materials into Urdu, if I could come and speak when the translation is finished. That might work.

So again, wherever you live, let’s dialog and see if God might have a plan for me to speak to your group.


Let’s begin a conversation about having me to speak to your group. Please connect by choosing one of the options on my “Contact Me” page.

By the way, my most recent international speaking and training were in Malawi, which you can learn about in my article Lessons Learned on My Recent Trip to Malawi.

If you’re not sure you are a Christian, please go HERE to learn how to be saved now.

This is me singing in Katmandu, Nepal in 2002.

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