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Jesus’ Journey to the Cross

Writer: Mark Alan WilliamsMark Alan Williams

Have you received Jesus? (DJJ Journey 001)

I learned about Jesus’ journey to the cross when I was about four or five years old, sitting in a Sunday school class in our little Baptist church in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. The year was approximately 1959. The teacher was one of the Snook family girls, probably a teenager at that time.

She explained that Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins and that if we wanted Him to, He would forgive all our sins and allow us into heaven one day. She asked if we would like to pray and receive the gift of salvation right then and there. How could I say no?

Jesus’ Journey to the Cross teaches us about salvation and includes two videos from the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem

So, although it was decades ago, and I don’t remember many details, I do remember that she led my sister and me in a prayer in which we invited Jesus “into our hearts.”

Since that time, I have been a life-long Christ-follower. I’m not saying I’ve done so perfectly—I’ve done things that I should not have, and I’ve not done thing I should have. But I know that I am forgiven from all sins; past, present and future. All of that happened when I was saved that day.

That’s my salvation story. Do you have a salvation story? Have you been born again (see John 3:3)?

If not, I encourage you to trust Christ today. To learn how to do so, just click HERE for some clear instructions.

If you are saved, are you following Jesus, or have you strayed? And if you are following Jesus, are you half-hearted, lukewarm, or wandering? Furthermore, are you fulfilling Jesus’ parting instructions commonly called “The Great Commission” in which His central command was to “make disciples?” Are you discipling others?

But how do you do all that you might ask? It’s a big job and can be daunting. That is why we created Discipleship Journeys with Jesus (DJJ). DJJ is a plan for discipleship that takes people from A to Z in what it means to follow Jesus, from both the New and Old Testaments. Anyone from teenagers on up can do it.

When completed, there will be 104 journey lessons, which will take two years if done weekly. However, disciples can follow any schedule of frequency desired.

The studies are divided into eight quarters, with 13 journeys in each quarter:

New Testament Studies

Quarter 1, Foundational Journeys with Jesus (The Gospels)

Quarter 2, Church Planting Journeys with Jesus (Acts 1-16)

Quarter 3, Journeys to Maturity in Jesus (Acts 17-28)

Quarter 4, Deeper Journeys with Jesus (The Epistles)

Old Testament Studies

Quarter 1, Journeys with Jesus in Pre-History and the Beginning of Human History (The Pentateuch)

Quarter 2, Journeys with Jesus in the History of God’s Chosen People (The Historical Books)

Quarter 3, Journeys with Jesus in Wisdom and Emotions (The Poetic and Wisdom Books)

Quarter 4, Journeys with Jesus in Prophecy (The Major and Minor Prophets)

All lessons are being accompanied by two videos, one introductory and one closing, recorded on location in the lands of the Bible.

Just go to to sign up for the free materials and click where it says “START YOUR JOURNEYS HERE.”


Journey 1 of DJJ, based on Mark 15, tells us about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again to overcome sin and death! In this Discipleship Journeys with Jesus study of Jesus’ Journey to the Cross we read, reflect on and interact on that passage and the events recorded there. People can use it to help them trust Jesus as Savior from sins and Lord of their lives.

Please take advantage of these free Discipleship Journeys with Jesus lessons at, as are thousands around the entire world!

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